meditation at work

In times like these, operating under high levels of stress can diminish productivity levels. In turn, diminishing productivity levels increase stress. Taking ‘mini mind- naps’ breaks this vicious cycle.

Otherwise known as corporate meditation.

We know that your organization probably invests heavily to increase the performance levels of your people – but nothing is as cost effective as keeping the workplace environment calm and focused.

Sessions include deep relaxation, the relaxation response, and a variation of long and short meditation techniques.

Invest a little – get a lot!

All that is required is a quiet room with seating (or just a floor will do); and a sense of humour and adventure.

• 8-week meditation course - lunch-time or early evening - 1 hour duration
or alternatively:

• 45-60 minute sessions
• mid-morning or Lunch time breaks are best (before food)
• change of clothes not required
• 5-10 week blocks to achieve consistency and an effective outcome.

Corporate Meditation sessions.

Make them an integral part of your workplace.